Been tasked with giving a speech at a wedding?  Here’s a couple of quick and easy things to remember when writing or planning a wedding speech.

Don’t Panic!

If you’re not comfortable with the idea of getting up in front of dozens of your closest friends and family don’t panic. Surveys done around the world prove you are not alone!  When we meet, ask me about the tip for nerves that helped an entire wedding party get through their speeches.  It helped change the dynamics of the entire room right from the beginning of  the speech.

wedding-speechWhat Should You Say?

The speech should be as relaxed and natural as possible. It’s meant to be from the heart, so reading from a “script” can take away some of that spontaneity. However, notes on small “cue cards” help you cover all the things you wanted to say. Staple the notes together, in order, and rip each one off as you cover it. This ensures you don’t lose anything if you drop them all. That can happen when you’re nervous.

What Order Should The Speeches Be In?

Because it’s your wedding, there are no longer set rules for who speaks and in which order and there’s no reason why the bride can’t present a speech, or why any of the “traditional” line up can opt out. It’s your wedding and you should do whatever’s most comfortable for you and your wedding party.  Tradition suggests the bride’s dad speaks first, followed by the father of the bride.  From there the various traditions differ, but it’s probably nice to have the groom close the speeches after the best man or whoever else.

The Quick Tip:

Keep it clean. There will be a range of friends and family, some of whom you may have met for the first time right there on your wedding day. You don’t want to offend anyone with a throw away comment in your speech and be judged for the rest of your life by that moment. Rules of thumb – don’t say or do anything you wouldn’t normally repeat in front of your nana. It doesn’t matter if she’s there or not, by the way.


I hope this helps!


Nick Logan
Wedding MC and DJ